Big Filter Technical Specifications for: BFS-8D396
The technical specifications for BFS-8D396 are provided for your reference to ensure our part number is compatible with your reference part number.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Please keep in mind that these are our specifications, and we do not claim they are the specifications of the OEM part number.
| Big Filter Store #: | BFS-8D396 |
| Part Type: | Hydraulic |
| Product Media: | Cellulose |
| Fluid Type: | HH / HL / HM / HV |
| Height: | 8.270 |
| OD Top: | 3.900 |
| ID Top: | 2.030 |
| OD Bottom: | 3.900 |
| ID Bottom: | 2.030 |
| Collapse Pressure (PSI): | 145 |
| Operating Temp Min (F): | -13 |
| Operating Temp Max (F): | 248 |
| Capacity (GR): | 23 |
| Filter Area (SQ IN): | 578 |
| Flow Direction: | Outside-In |
| Gasket Material: | Viton |
| Beta Ratio 1: | 2/25 |
| Micron 1: | 25 |
| Weight (lb): | 1.188 |